Manage invoices
like a pro with
Lenkie BillHub
Seamlessly manage, pay, and reconcile all your invoices from one
convenient dashboard
Taking the chaos out of managing your invoices

We know first-hand the headache that entrepreneurs and finance teams experience in the face of seemingly infinite invoices to process. BillHub simplifies everything into a single, easy-to-use dashboard.


Easily import or upload all your bills to one dashboard, in minutes


Create customised authorisations and payment approval workflows


Instantly pay suppliers, via bank transfer, credit card, or credit facility


Reconcile payments automatically with your accounting software

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Take control of your payments

BillHub is the one-stop solution for streamlining your accounts payable process

Benefits for your business

Save time

Import, pay, and reconcile invoices in seconds, freeing you up to focus on running your business

Reduce manual errors

Reduce the need for manual data entry and administrative tasks, and keep your books updated in real time

Improve cash flow

Enjoy multiple payment options to give you flexibility in managing your cash flow

Loved by

“Lenkie’s products are amazing. The dashboard is very user-friendly. I highly recommend it to all companies looking to ease their cash flow.”

Harris Atique

SBL Couriers

Sign up for Lenkie BillHub today

Join the growing number of businesses that are tackling their invoices with Lenkie BillHub.
Experience the difference today.

No subscription fees. Simple setup. Major results

Contact us

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Mon-Fri from 8am to 5pm.

+44 (0)20 4587 0937


Mon-Fri from 8am to 5pm.

+44 (0)77 2356 6364